A curated collection of must-read books, insightful podcasts, and valuable videos for aspiring searchers and business buyers.
As an aspiring searcher or business buyer, having access to the right resources is crucial for your success. This curated list brings together the most valuable books, podcasts, and videos that will help you on your journey to acquiring and growing a successful business.
"Buy Then Build" by Walker Deibel
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A comprehensive framework for entrepreneurship through acquisition that has become essential reading in the search fund community. Deibel combines practical strategies with real-world case studies to provide actionable insights for aspiring business buyers.
"HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business" by Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
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This Harvard Business Review guide offers a systematic approach to finding, evaluating, and acquiring the right business. The authors draw from their extensive experience to provide a roadmap for successful acquisition entrepreneurship.
"Small Giants" by Bo Burlingham
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A fascinating exploration of companies that choose to be great instead of big. This book provides valuable insights into what makes privately-held companies successful and sustainable over the long term.
"The Messy Marketplace" by Brent Beshore
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An insider's guide to the complexities of buying private businesses. Beshore shares his extensive experience in navigating the challenges of business acquisition and relationship management.
"The Search Fund Primer" by Standford GSB
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The definitive guide to the search fund model, covering everything from fundraising to acquisition. Southern's work has become a cornerstone resource for searchers and investors alike.
"Think Like an Owner" with Alex Bridgeman
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A deep dive into the minds of successful searchers and operators. Each episode offers practical insights and real-world experiences from those who have successfully navigated the acquisition journey.
"Acquiring Minds" with Will Smith
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Focused specifically on the search fund experience, this podcast offers detailed discussions about the challenges and opportunities in business acquisition.
"Private Equity Funcast"
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While broader in scope, this podcast provides valuable insights into the world of business acquisitions and private equity that are relevant to searchers.
Stanford GSB Search Fund Series
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A comprehensive collection of lectures and presentations from one of the pioneering institutions in the search fund space.
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Our community of course - what else. :)
Permanent Equity Blog
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A thought-provoking blog that offers deep insights into the world of business acquisition and operations.
These resources provide a solid foundation for anyone interested in search funds and business acquisition. Remember that the most valuable learning often comes from combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Start with the core readings and gradually expand into more specialized resources as you progress in your journey.
Note: This list is regularly updated to ensure it remains current and valuable for our community. If you have suggestions for additional resources, please reach out to us.
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